in Place

What is it?

The Centers for Disease Control defines aging in place as the ability to live in one’s own home and community safely and independently and comfortably, regardless of age, income, or ability level.

At Habitat for Humanity Aging in Place is systems, procedures and funding to support Habitat affiliates in serving older adults (55+).

What We Do

  • Wheelchair Ramps 
  • Handrails 
  • Widening Doorways


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In order to better serve older homeowners seeking repairs, HFHI identified an Aging in Place Initiative as a strategic priority for our work in the United States.

Repairs require a home assessment before work begins. For AIP we recommend a holistic assessment with the older adult homeowner. A holistic assessment includes partnering with other agencies who provide services to older adults.

Modifications and repairs are different. Modification examples include: grab bars, lever hands and faucets, widening doorways, no step shower, zero step entrance. General repairs may include broken step, hole in the floor, roofing, broken window, etc.

Applicants must own (and occupy) their home, must fall within our income guidelines (below) and must be current on taxes and home insurance.

Contact us at 785-537-7545 or for more details.


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