Dear Friend,
The Biblical story of Christmas is, of course, the story of the birth of Jesus. It is the story of God becoming human to save us from ourselves. It is also a story of a young couple, trying to find an affordable, safe, decent place to start their family. Mary and Joseph made a choice to stay in a substandard “home” because that is what was available.
In Manhattan, many families are forced to make that same choice.
A family like Hershel & Shantel’s that found themselves without a home and living in a run-down hotel with three small children.
A family like Venita’s whose trailer is, quite literally, collapsing around her.
The benefits of home ownership are incredible: kids do better in school and see the doctor less often; mom’s and dad’s job performances improve; more kids and their parents go to college or trade school. We know that when a family owns their home, their dependence on SNAP, free and reduced lunch, Medicaid, and other assistance programs decreases. All these things happen if families can live in homes they own.
These families will never be able to own and remain in their own homes – that is, unless you help.
Manhattan Area Habitat for Humanity is the ONLY organization in our community building housing for low-income families. We are also the only organization that provides home repairs, wheelchair ramps or Aging in Place improvements to low-income homeowners – at no cost to the homeowner.
We are truly putting God’s love into action!
Thanks to you, here’s what we accomplished this past year:
1 new home construction
44 home repairs
102+ individuals served

In our 25th year, we will continue our new home construction program by offering an opportunity to low-income families to partner with Habitat and realize their dream of home ownership. We are currently building our 29th Habitat Home in Ogden (in honor of Tom and Gayle Bennett) with the Harrison Family and will soon select another family for our 30th Habitat Home. In addition, we will assist an additional 35 to 45 low-income homeowners through our Habitat Repair Team program and broaden our increasingly popular Aging in Place repair program. It is an ambitious agenda, but we are determined to succeed and we intend to do so through many avenues, including this Year End Campaign.
What better time for YOU to help than at this special time of year?
As you gather with your family this season, will you join us and help create a world where everyone has a decent place to live? By mailing your donation to MAHFH (514 Pillsbury Drive, Manhattan, KS 66502) or DONATING ONLINE HERE, you help us make that world a reality. Please give today.
As we move into another year we hope you’ll stay involved in this critical work in our community. You can visit our website ( to learn more and thank you again, from the bottom of our hearts!
In Partnership,

Executive Director
Manhattan Area Habitat for Humanity